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The Ranters were one of a number of nonconformist dissenting groups.

Wikimedia Commons - Rubens, The Judgement of Paris .jpg
The 1638 version of Rubens' 'The Judgement of Paris' shows his version of idealised feminine beauty, with the goddesses Venus, Minerva and Juno on one side and Paris accompanied by Mercury on the other.

Lady in the Bath - Wikimedia Commons.jpg
Gabrielle d'Estrées taking a bath. The roses and pearls, attributes of Venus, associate the young woman with the goddess of Love and Beauty.

Peter Paul Rubens Drapery - Wikimedia Commons.jpg
A portrait of Hélène Fourment draped in fur

Ruben's The Three Graces - Wikimedia Commons.jpg
Three unclothed women stand together in a clearing. Delicately draped in a sheer white fabric while surrounded by flora.
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